Stephanie Yeh ’18 Albright Fellow 2018

During the school year and summers, she works as a research intern at the Joung Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, developing genome-engineering technologies for cancer and other genetic diseases, the topic of her senior thesis. In addition to English, Stephanie is natively fluent in Mandarin Chinese and volunteers as a translator with Children of China Pediatrics Foundation, which provides pro bono surgical procedures for children from orphanages and underprivileged households during their annual medical missions in China. On campus, Stephanie, who is also passionate about increasing access to information, served as co-Editor-in-Chief of The Wellesley News her sophomore year, then founded and currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Wellesley’s only scientific publication, The Women’s Collegiate Journal of Science. After graduation, Stephanie hopes to attend graduate school before pursuing a career in healthcare management. Guided by her interdisciplinary and international healthcare and biomedical knowledge, she hopes to develop and shape global health policies and expand health access.