Roxie Miles ’23

She is writing her honors thesis on the protections current international law can offer to people forcibly displaced by climate change. During the fall of 2022, she interned with an asylum-focused immigration law firm in downtown Boston. Roxie also volunteers teaching kindergarteners through the Mission Hill After School Program, which she has been involved with since her first semester of college. She has also advocated for educational access for incarcerated adults by leading a research project for the Educational Justice Institute (TEJI) at MIT during the winter of 2021 and by serving as the current President of its partnered student organization, the Prison Education Initiative (PEI). While studying abroad at Oxford during her junior year, she was appointed President of Student Action for Refugees (STAR) Oxford, the university’s branch of a national refugee advocacy organization. Roxie plans to attend law school upon graduation, and, informed by her thesis work and service experiences, aspires to a career supporting asylum applicants.