Kate Corcoran ’15 Albright Fellow 2015

In her sohphomore year, Katherine was one of forty american undergraduates awarded the Environmental Protection Agency Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) fellowship for her work in the environmental field of study. In the summer of 2014 Katherine worked as a GRO research fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency in Dallas, Texas, where she completed a study of the efficiency impacts for combustion turbine technology related to greenhouse gas permitting to provide a comparative analysis of EPAs Best Available Control Technology determinations and International Standard Operating conditions for electric generation projects located in Texas. Katherine spent the summer before her junior year in Siberia, Russia with a group of Wellesley students to study limnology and aquatic biology at Lake Baikal, and then went on to spend her fall semester of junior year studying abroad in Córdoba, Spain. On campus, Katherine has been a member of Wellesley Environmental Energy and Defense for 7 semesters and is the co-captain of the Wellesley Rugby Football Club. Katherine has basic GIS skills from spending multiple summers working at the US Geological Survey in San Antonio, Texas, and is proficient in Matlab. Katherine's goal upon graduation is to further pursue her passion of environmental work, preferably in a Spanish-speaking country if not in the United States.