Cate Johnson ’17 Albright Fellow 2017

Her studies in History have centered around ethnic identities, violence, and associated political shifts. Last summer, she completed an internship in Bonn, Germany, at the United Nations Environment Programme’s Secretariat for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. There, she worked in the Communications and Outreach team to promote the policies and activities of the Convention by researching and writing materials for official websites and meetings, and creating social media strategies. During the summer of 2015, Cate interned at Earthjustice, the largest nonprofit environmental law firm in the United States, researching up and coming environmental concerns and creating relevant content for the Earthjustice blog and social media. In 2014, she interned for the United States Senator from California, Dianne Feinstein, progressing constituent casework, especially surrounding Veterans Affairs, and drafting memoranda. On campus, she works as a student assistant in the Department of Classical Studies. Cate is interested in the intersection between people, environmental concerns and public policy. After graduation, she would like the gain environmental policy experience with an internationally focused organization, and learn another language.