Abena Asare ’18 Albright Fellow 2017

In the summer of 2016, Abena attended a Pre-Medical program at the University of Virginia Medical School and also taught STEM to elementary students in Philadelphia through the Temple University Science Department. In the summer following her sophomore year, combining her interests in public health and medicine Abena interned at Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative (SNJPC), whose mission is to improve perinatal and pediatric health in Southern New Jersey. At SNJPC she helped analyze focus groups with at risk mothers on the topics of health care access and lead poisoning in the city of Camden. On campus, Abena is the Health Career Liaison in the Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), a student assistant in the Office of Admission, a member of the arts and music society Tau Zeta Epsilon (TZE), Ethos, the Wellesley African Students Association (WASA), and Wellesley’s Track and Field team where she is ranked All-American in the long jump. She is interested in the intersection of health and wellness around the world and after graduation Abena hopes to pursue a Masters in Public Health with an emphasis in global health as well as an MD degree, specializing in pediatric medicine.