Patricia Sulser ’79 Lawyer and Independent Consultant

Patricia Sulser was Chief Counsel, Global Team Lead and Investment Committee Member for IFC InfraVentures, a $150 million venture capital fund of International Finance Corporation for over 25 years. This fund proactively developed public-private partnership infrastructure projects globally. She currently is an international development consultant to development finance institutions, international organizations and global charities, specializing in bringing financial and technical resources from private sector and impact investors together with public, concessional, charitable and philanthropic resources to deliver critical public services to marginalized communities around the world. She also serves as an Investment Committee Member for Blue Orchard Sustainable Asset Fund, an Advisory Board member to several organizations, and is Of Counsel to an international boutique law firm in New York City. Over the course of her career, Patricia has worked on hundreds of projects across 50 emerging markets on 5 continents. Her portfolio includes physical infrastructure such as renewable power, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare facilities, hospitals and schools. Patricia is a certified international arbitrator and mediator and dedicated to helping stakeholders communicate across difference to find sustainable solutions to the world’s most intractable challenges. She has published several books and articles and frequently guest lectures at law, business and international relations graduate schools. And she is devoted to the Albright Institute and Secretary Albright’s legacy!