Contact Us
Yue Hu, Department Chair Office: W213 Science Center Phone: 781-283-3325 Email: |
Carol Gagosian, Administrative Assistant Office: 104 Whitin Observatory Phone: 781-283-2726 Email: |
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Yue Hu, Department Chair Office: W213 Science Center Phone: 781-283-3325 Email: |
Carol Gagosian, Administrative Assistant Office: 104 Whitin Observatory Phone: 781-283-2726 Email: |
Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S. Physics: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S. Music: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph. D. Physics: University of Pennsylvania
My research focuses on the topological and geometric aspects of electronic dynamics in quantum condensed matter theory.
Associate Professor of Physics
Sc.B., Brown University; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard University
Experimental particle astrophysics including neutrino and dark matter detection; precision tests of gravity with lunar laser ranging (lab website).
Knafel Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences; Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Olin College of Engineering; M.S., Ph. D., Stanford University
Materials scientist developing next-generation solar cells by studying the fundamental properties of novel solution-processed semiconductors.
Distinguished Senior Lecturer in Physics
B.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I am a researcher, entrepreneur and teacher with a passion for invention and recognizing and increasing underrepresented voices in science.
Professor of Physics
B.S., Beijing University; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University
Experimental and theoretical work in complex fluids, mentoring students, using advanced computational tools in undergraduate physics curriculum.
Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Experimental physicist, engineer by training; developing novel microwave devices for dark matter searches and particle accelerators.
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Ph.D., Tufts University
I like physics. I like math. I like teaching, and I am interested in methods that optimize the learning of physics.
Visiting Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Brandeis University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Chicago
I am interested in the interplay between geometry and external stress in soft materials, and techniques in engaging physics students
Visiting Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Fordham University; Ph.D., University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Experimental particle physics, physics education, education access
Professor of Physics
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Molecular spectroscopist, focused on systems in atmospheric and astrophysical research.
Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Brown University; Ph.D., University of Michigan
Soft matter physicist fascinated by emergent behavior in complex systems. Interested in entropy, geometry, networks, self-assembly, and disorder.
Lecturer in Physics
B.A., Middlebury College; M.S., Ph.D., Tufts University
I am interested in high energy particle physics, cosmology, and best practices in physics education.
Keeps the faculty from spinning out of orbit. Ruler of three teens. Lover of bats and lobster.
More about Carol Gagosian
Senior Instructor Emeritus in Physics Laboratory
B.A., Wabash College; M.A., University of Idaho
Teaches introductory and advanced physics laboratories.
Professor Emeritus of Physics
A.B., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Laser based studies of new electronic materials.
Professor Emerita of Physics
B.A. Rice University; Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley; Postdoctoral Research at Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay
Retired from teaching in 2005 and from research several years later. Currently pursuing an interest in equine photography.
Professor Emeritus of Physics
B.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Projects include: video history of physics, developing touch opportunities for the visually impaired, motivated math education.
Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics
B.S., Morehouse College; S.M., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theorist interested in laser spectroscopy, effects of collisions on coherent processes in atoms, issues of race in science and medicine.
Senior Instructor Emerita in Physics Laboratory
B.S., Fort Lewis College; M.S., University of Kentucky
Teacher of basic physics principles, with interests in intercultural relations; liaison for Watson Fellowship; returned Peace Corps volunteer.