Music Theory Placement Evaluation

Information about the Music Theory Placement Evaluation (MTPE):


The Music Theory Placement Evaluation is designed to assess students' current knowledge of music theory in order to help determine which music courses would be best to start with. Students may be placed into or exempted from MUS 100 based on the results of this informal online evaluation. Although the MTPE is voluntary, all are encouraged to attempt it even if they have had little or no theory study. The evaluation includes questions covering major and minor scales, intervals, chords, rhythms, dictation, simple harmonic analysis and 4-part writing. Students may leave those portions of the evaluation blank containing questions with which they are unfamiliar. Students do not need to complete the MTPE in order to enroll in music lessons or courses. Students who answer the first page questionnaire without completing the MTPE will automatically be recommended for MUS 100. 

Please complete at least the first sheet of this online evaluation, as this provides the Music Department with information about your interests. Students interested in placing out of MUS 100 should take the test.