Megan Karsh Senior Leadership and Organizational Advisor

Her clients span sectors and the globe, and include senior leaders and teams at the UN, GoFundMe, UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute, MacArthur Justice Center, social impact startups, and nonprofits. Areas of expertise include systems thinking, managing complexity and volatility, adaptive strategic planning, interpersonal influence, and conflict transformation.
Megan continues to contribute to international peacebuilding by designing and facilitating programs for the UN Departments of Peace Operations, UN Police Commanders, and the Women Leadership for Peace Program. She periodically advises parties involved in peace processes on negotiation and mediation strategy, including the Syrian Women’s Advisory Board and Libyan Mediator Network.
Megan is on the US Dept of State’s Fulbright Specialist Roster as an expert in capacity-building and learning design, and previously taught negotiation and interpersonal influence to MBAs and JDs at Stanford Law School. Before launching her consulting practice, she was the Executive Director of the Rule of Law Program at Stanford (2012-16), represented survivors at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (2010-12), and collaborated on transitional justice programs in countries affected by US policy or interventions. She has a JD from Stanford Law School, B.A. from Oberlin College, and is a certified mediator.