Sama Mundlay ’20
![Sama Mundlay](
She spent her early years in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam before moving back to Mumbai, India. At Wellesley College, Sama was an active member of the Zeta Alpha Society, where she served as Literary and Tea Chair. She was a writer an artist. Several of her pieces are published in the Wellesley Review. Additionally, Sama worked actively as a Sexual Health Educator (SHE) on campus to raise awareness about reproductive rights, a topic she passionately championed. Sama believed in a future without gender and sex-based discrimination. She wanted to cultivate genuine, progressive dialogue in Wellesley, in India, and beyond. In the summer of 2018, she interned at the Women’s Foundation of California after being selected through the American Cities Program. Her immediate post-graduation plans were to start a Women’s Foundation of India with her friend and Albright Fellow, Tarushi Nigam Sinha. Sama inspired her friends and peers to pursue their academic endeavors with a critical lens and always knew the right questions to ask. She brought her passion to every classroom and conversation. She was a model student and would have been a model Fellow. She is deeply missed by her friends and family and her absence will forever be felt by her class of Albright Fellows and the greater Wellesley community.