Green Hall on the Wellesley academic quad.

We're happy you're thinking of Wellesley!

Each year we expect to enroll a small number of transfer students, including the special cohort of those in the Davis Degree Program, for entrance in September. As a transfer student, you’re integrated into an existing class and enjoy the same opportunities and privileges available to all Wellesley students. If you have any questions after making your way through this page, we recommend hopping over to the FAQs!

Who can apply?

  • Transfer Applicants

    The Office of Admission expects transfer applicants to have completed at least two full semesters of coursework at another U.S. college or university. In order to receive a Wellesley College degree as a transfer student, you must complete at least two years (16 units) of coursework at the College. Therefore, only incoming college sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply. All courses at Wellesley are in person and students must attend full-time. If you’re 24 or older, or a parent or U.S. veteran, see our Davis Degree Program for non-traditional-aged transfer students.

    Wellesley admits transfer students from accredited four- or two-year private or public U.S. institutions only. The College does not admit transfer students from online colleges or universities. Individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree elsewhere, domestically or internationally, are not eligible to apply to Wellesley.

    Any student under the age of 24 who wishes to apply from an international college or university must apply as a first-year student, not as a transfer student. See first-year students and financial aid for international students. From there, use our application instructions to keep track of the materials you need to submit.

  • Davis Degree Program Applicants

    The Elisabeth Kaiser Davis Degree Program was designed for women beyond the traditional college age. The program is for those who have begun, but not completed, a bachelor’s degree and wish to do so at Wellesley. This specifically includes U.S. veterans, parents, and any woman aged 24 or older who has not yet completed their bachelor's degree.

    The Davis Degree Program brings together scholars from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, providing them with a fully engaged college experience in one of the best liberal arts programs available and, in the process, creating an extraordinary community. Davis Scholars take the same classes as Wellesley’s traditional-aged students, have the same degree requirements, and graduate with the same Wellesley degree. Davis Scholars have their own dean who will guide them through the curriculum at the College, along with their major advisors. They can even choose to live in on-campus housing, although family housing is unavailable.

  • More questions?

    Visit our FAQ page or reach out to us over email. We're here to help!

Dates and deadlines


Application Due

March 1

Supporting Materials

Within one week of deadline

Self-Reported Mid-Term Grades

Late March

Financial Aid Materials*

April 1

Decision Notification

Early May

Reply/Deposit Deadline

June 3

Final College Transcript**

June 16

* International financial aid deadlines differ. Please see the deadlines for international financial aid applicants. For all required financial aid application materials, please see this Student Financial Services page.

** Only required of enrolling students.

Please note that the fall term is the only entry term for transfer applicants and Davis Degree Program applicants.

Application checklist and credit guidelines

Below, we’ve included the key things you need to know about completing your application to Wellesley. Once you have submitted your application, you will get access to your Wellesley Applicant Portal to check on the status of your credentials.

Transfer applicants and Davis Degree Program applicants

Wellesley accepts the Common Application for Transfer. Remember that it’s free to apply to Wellesley!

Be sure to be consistent and use your legal name (as it appears on your passport or other legal documents) on all of your application materials. This may sound obvious, but it’s really important! If you go by another name, list that as your “preferred name” on the application and that’s the name we’ll use when we get in touch with you.

You’ll need to write two essays: a personal essay and a shorter, Wellesley-specific essay. See our application tips for advice on writing your essays.

Within the Common Application, you will be directed to provide a short answer to the following prompt:

  • Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve in doing so.

The Wellesley-specific essay asks you to respond to the following topic:

  • Wellesley students actively seek ways to build bridges and to change the world for the better. Tell us about an experience working with and alongside people of different backgrounds and/or perspectives from your own. Why was this important to you, and what lessons from this will you bring with you to Wellesley?

Submit an official final transcript from the high school from which you graduated. If you received a high school certificate of equivalency, official G.E.D. scores and/or a high school transcript for the years you attended, they are required and will be considered in conjunction with your performance at the college level. An official secondary school final transcript must be sent directly from the high school with school seal or stamp affixed. Although we require your final high school transcript, we do not need the School Report.

Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended. The form for requesting this information should be sent to the registrar of the colleges you attended. You should check with the school for procedures and fee information before requesting a transcript. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college, which does include through official online services like Parchment. Student-submitted or unofficial copies of transcripts are not accepted. Please arrange for the college(s) to send official copies directly to Wellesley’s Office of Admission at

Please provide a College Report completed by your academic advisor or dean. This report tells us if you are in good standing at your current or most recent institution. The college report form can be found in the Common Application.

You must submit individual course descriptions from the course catalog of courses you have taken and are currently taking. The individual course descriptions can be uploaded in your Applicant Portal, which is accessible after you have submitted your application to Wellesley.

Two evaluations/recommendations from recent college courses are required. Please invite each of your college recommenders to complete your recommendation letters within the Common Application. Recent academic evaluations are more useful to the Office of Admission. If you have been out of school for several years and are therefore unable to obtain academic evaluations, you may submit one from an employer or a supervisor in community activities where you have worked. Evaluations/recommendations from friends and relatives are discouraged.

The mid-term report must be completed by any applicant who is currently enrolled in courses. Applicants may self-report their mid-year grades, however if admitted and enrolling, will be required to submit official grades. Please list the courses that you are taking in the current semester on this form and return it to our office immediately following the midpoint of the semester (March 25). The form gives us a sense of how you’re doing in your current coursework, so ideally it would be filled out closer to midterms. If you turn in a form with no grades, it will not be considered in your file.

Wellesley College will continue to be test optional for those applying for entry in fall 2025. Since the introduction of test-optional practices at Wellesley, approximately 45% of our enrolling first-year students chose to apply without testing. As always, testing is just one part of our holistic, committee-based application review process. We review each applicant thoughtfully and within the context of their available resources. Regardless of an applicant’s decision to submit test scores, the admission committee is particularly interested in an applicant’s demonstrated writing and quantitative skills as key predictors for success in Wellesley’s curriculum.

The College will continue to assess the test-optional policy, and we will communicate updates for future application cycles as they become available.

If you do choose to take the SAT or the ACT, we recommend that you complete testing by the end of your junior year. However, if you do sit for the exam in your senior year, here are the last possible dates we recommend taking the exam in order to have the results available for the round through which you apply to Wellesley:

  • Early Decision I: Late October/Early November

  • Early Decision II: Early December

  • Regular Decision: Early December

If you have a special talent in the arts, you might want to submit an arts portfolio. Our art, music, and theatre studies departments will accept electronic submissions of portfolios, recordings, or presentations. The appropriate department will review your material.

Wellesley College does not have a dance department and does not review creative writing materials. Please do NOT submit any dance and/or creative writing supplements as they will not be evaluated.

To submit an arts portfolio:

You must submit your portfolios, recordings, or presentations electronically through the Wellesley Applicant Portal. Your arts portfolio must be submitted through the Applicant Portal within one week of the application deadline. Wellesley does not accept art portfolios through the Common Application or the Coalition Application. Please do not mail any materials to the Office of Admission. Submissions sent by mail will not be reviewed or returned.

Follow the guidelines and instructions as outlined by Wellesley’s art, music, and theatre studies departments.

If you are interested in competing in varsity athletics at Wellesley (Division III), submit a recruiting form to the head coach of your sport.

Credit guidelines

If accepted, an estimation of your transfer credits will be included in your admit letter. Neither the Registrar nor the Office of Admission will supply an estimation before that point. Prospective transfers can get a sense of what courses will transfer by visiting our Course Catalog. The College will only consider awarding transfer credit for courses similar to those taught at Wellesley.

​If you are applying from an international institution, you can request a credit evaluation of your previously completed university courses following admission and arrival on campus in the fall. Some of your earlier academic work may be applied toward the fulfillment of Wellesley's requirements. Credit will be granted only for those courses determined by the College's registrar to be comparable to courses in Wellesley's curriculum. In order to gain credit for previous coursework, you must first successfully complete one year of study at Wellesley.

These are the types of courses that generally transfer to Wellesley:

  • Economics from a community college.

  • Lab science from a community college, with department approval.

  • Single-semester introductory or intermediate language course. Note: These will not qualify for transfer until the second semester of that level is complete.

  • Freshman seminars (syllabus required for evaluation).

These are the types of courses that typically do not transfer to Wellesley:

  • Courses that are not classified as liberal arts and sciences, and are not offered at Wellesley.

  • Courses graded pass/fail, unless you submit a letter from the professor who taught the course, stating that you would have earned a grade of C or higher.

  • Courses with a grade of C- or below.

  • Mathematics subjects prior to calculus (pre-calculus, college algebra, trigonometry).

  • Business (management, finance)—except for one accounting course.

  • Communications, including speech.

  • Computer science courses that cover microcomputer applications or non-programming topics.

  • Criminal justice (to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis).

  • Journalism.

  • Physical education or dance, lab-only, and nonacademic studio art.

  • Distance or online learning.

  • Individual study or self-paced courses.

  • Internships, practica, workshops, how-to courses, or experiential learning.

There are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about the transfer of credit:

  • One (1) unit of Wellesley College work typically equals 4 semester-hours or 6 quarter-hours. That means that if you attended an institution where you took 5 courses each semester worth 3 credits each, each course could transfer as .8 or .75 units of Wellesley College work, depending on the total number of credit hours needed for the degree.

  • Students may transfer in a maximum of 16 units, only 4 units of which may be earned in summer sessions.

  • Distribution requirements (except for writing) must be fulfilled by taking or transferring in one (1) whole unit of coursework.