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Paul Rudolph ink architectural drawing of the Jewett Arts Center

This interdepartmental major offers the opportunity to merge the study of architectural history with studio practice.

Following the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius’ advice on the education of the architect, the program encourages students to familiarize themselves with a broad range of subjects in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Students may elect courses in art, mathematics, and physics that lead to the appreciation of the principles of design and the fundamental techniques of architecture.

The major may be weighted towards architectural history, studio investigation, or a balance between the two. Students considering a major in Architecture must work with an advisor in their main area of concentration to work out a specific program of study.

Architecture majors will:

  1. acquire knowledge of the historical, political, economic, and cultural contexts that have shaped architecture and urban form across time and in diverse cultures and geographies;

  2. demonstrate an understanding of historically and geographically specific design and construction methods and building typologies;

  3. apply interdisciplinary methodologies, critical theories, and professional ethical codes to interpreting architecture and urban form;

  4. acquire first-hand experience of studio practice in architecture whether or not they intend to specialize in this aspect of the profession;

  5. develop the skills of visual, formal, material, and spatial analysis;

  6. conduct research in primary and secondary sources and be able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources;

  7. demonstrate mastery of this knowledge and these skills in persuasively argued and clearly written essays and presentations and in studio investigations.


updated 10/21/2021